Pakistan’s Fashion Industry Started Taking COVID-19 Seriously


People and their businesses – both are in an unprecedented moment. Some are exploiting the opportunity to reconsider themselves – who they are and what they stand for -, while others are finding themselves poised for success in this increasingly sustainably-minded and digitized world.

There are so many who are not just facing reality but also making possibilities to play their role in containing the COVID-19. These emerging businesses with shallow pockets, are attempting to carve themselves a place in an overcrowded, unbalanced, and unpredictable world.

From Ireland to the UK, Germany, and now, in Pakistan the fashion industry is actually doing great for our frontliners; let’s see how Pakistan’s fashion industry is responding to Covid-19.

Pakistan’s fashion industry has taken great initiatives to give hands to medical professionals, by making protective gears, during this global pandemic.

Well known designers such as Asim Jofa, Deepak Perwani, and Maheen Khan are using their business (and prolly personal) resources and creating protective gear for paramedic staff. Now, they have reached out to some known celebrities to spread the cause. Don’t worry! They are not asking for donations or any other aid, rather spreading the message to all those homies who know stitching, to stitch a dress for social and health staff and give to them, so that they can save more lives.

Pakistani celebs are becoming extra productive during lockdown while taking part in making the suits for frontliners; Asim Jofa is the first designer to take the initiative, and shared his efforts by bringing them on-board.


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