Make Social Distancing Pleasurable


If you are also following the demands of your government, you must be reading this cocoon in the comfort of your home, which may feel more than enough, under lockdown, or self-quarantine. 

At first, it didn’t feel that boring; you thought you would catch on a few Netflix shows that you have been looking forward to watching, you will read books and will get extra sleep as there will be no more annoying 2-hour back and forth commute to work. 

But once reality kicks in and you finally realize that all the concerts are postponed, sporting events are canceled, schools are closed already (and you have to keep your lil siblings/kids entertained and play the part of a teacher too), and entertainment spots and restaurants are also shut down, you probably go stir-crazy or maybe you have already developed cabin fever.

We know you desperately want to go outside but don’t want to take the risk of catching the coronavirus and certainly don’t want to bring the virus back to home and spread with your loved ones.

It’s more like we are hibernating in seclusion for two weeks (as per our officials) or maybe longer, depending on how quickly we can contain the COVID-19 outbreak. 

Now, we have two options: either waste these moments and do nothing at all or make the most of this time to your advantage. 

It’s OK to binge-watch television and munch on snacks but do embark upon a campaign of self-improvement and yes, keep helping others, especially by observing strict social-distancing.

What to do in Quarantine?

Although remaining inside is the only way to protect yourself and others from the spread of Coronavirus, and is an important measure to “flatten the curve” of daily cases that actually puts pressure on our health care system. 

So, you must be wondering – What to do while stuck indoors? 

We’ve compiled a list of many suggestions to help make your quarantine as interesting and productive as possible.

1.Try some DIYs

How about repainting your old skirt or learning how to decorate your room with old newspaper, you can also learn how to drill a hole in the wall so that you can hang your DIY frame or anything.

2.Binge Watching

Finally, you have the time to watch your old long-hour movies, or you can catch up on all the new titles too – I have just finished with Stranger Things, and my next target is The Haunting of Hill House, what’s yours??

3.Cooking Marathon

In talk of a lock down all the restaurants are closed, even food delivery is also restricted, so what about your culinary skills; let’s broaden them, maybe you come up with ever-new fusion recipes. The best you can do is to find a good channel (in Pakistan, Food Fusion is the most popular) and start practicing the signature dishes. 


If you are also a gym-freak like me, or just started your weight loss resolution before the outbreak of Coronavirus, then this is the best time – I mean, you have ample amount of time and a perfect place (no fear of eye contacts and sheer embarrassments.) So, pick a time and set your goals and start working on your extra flabs; you can get inspiration and unique ideas and guides on YouTube or Instagram, if you have also followed athletics and dietitians.

5.Go Green

If you like gardening or even just like to eat vegetables, so, how about start growing your own? Not only is it a way of getting some sustenance, but it also gives you a project to look after on a daily basis. You can also involve your younger siblings or kids in this; it will take up a significant chunk of your time, and the weather is also complimentary. 

6.Write a journal or blog

Sure, it can be about the outbreak of coronavirus, or could be about your interest/s; anything from chess to cheese. You can also pick up a habit of reading – I have started reading my old books again. 


Try lying down with eyes closed, palms up, focusing on breath, or simply, spend 15 minutes sitting cross -legged and repeat a soothing word or any religious supplication in your head. 

8.Learn a language or online course

Want to keep your brain stimulated during the outbreak of Coronavirus? Start learning your favorite, language or just pick up an online course or something you’ve been planning to learn but haven’t had the time for. 

9.Practice your favorite Instrument

if your neighbors are OK with it – Dust off your old music instrument and give it a try, maybe you become a star once the virus is contained. 

10.Family time

Yea, I might sound old-school or mummy-daddy, but believe me, this is the right time to spend quality time with your loved ones and make limitless memories together. At least, settle all the indoor misunderstandings and try to minus the constant, ‘he said, she said’; the best thing to do is to dust off the Monopoly or get out the Scrabble, and reconnect with your-s-only ones.

11.Chat with friends

Download Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, or any app you and your friends are comfortable with, and start a video call; you can also create a group of your old friends and relive the old memories. 

Want one more? 

For that, you need to bring your ears closer – Text or call all your exes just in case you have something you always wanted to get off your chest.

Anyway, whatever activity you are choosing, make sure you keep a record or best if you plan your days in the morning and work accordingly. 

And yes, don’t forget the global cause of self-quarantine – keep observing social distancing, keep washing your hands and stay indoors, don’t forget the local slogan “Jo mehdood hain, wo mehfooz hain.” 

Stay Safe – Fee Amanillah!


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