Lyari, Karachi’s new hotspot of COVID-19 – 67 positive tests


The Sindh government and the existing political leadership are in hot water after finding Lyari and its neighboring areas, a new hotspot for the Covid-19, where more than 60 people tested positive in just two days.

The situation requires strong yet immediate measures from the authorities – both locally and provincially, as the neighborhood is densely populated.

The situation has also forced CM Syed Murad Ali Shah to direct the district administration, security high-ups, and health officials of the area to take measures as fast as possible to prevent the outbreak in the neighborhoods, as any negligence and relaxation would probably cause a “huge disaster”.

To deal with the situation, the CM assigned Waqar Mehdi, senior Pakistan Peoples Party leader, to look into the matter and quickly devise an urgent plan to stop the outbreak of the virus.

According to a political party activist in Lyari, the situation is “critical” due to the standard of living and history of the area which are not allowing people to observe lockdown restrictions, ultimately leading to violation of the SOPs/guidelines.

The provincial administration along with the district authorities decided to conduct modern testing in the suspected areas to identify infected people and also ensure that the movement within the locality will be restricted at least to other parts of the city even if they are not following the lockdown.

Reportedly, out of the 67 positive cases, 30 + patients are moved to isolation centers and others are quarantined at their homes.

Talking about relaxing the city lockdown, the chief minister urged people to keep social distance (even within the family), wash hands and change clothes often (especially when coming from outside), to keep yourself and your families safe and secure from the virus.


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