Reportedly, mobility trends in retail went down by 65 per cent in Pakistan


Pakistan is in the state of lockdown for over four weeks. The government easing some restrictions recently, saying that if a complete lockdown was extended, poor people would be badly affected.

According to reports, titled Covid-19 Community Mobility Report, by Google, the on-going lockdown greatly impacted the mobility trends.

In the report, Google has analyzed how movements are affected during the lockdown, using location data from smartphone users who are ready to opt to share location history with their Google accounts.

The report compared the data before and after the lockdown, spanning of over five weeks, from Jan 3 to Feb 6.

To compare the mobility trends during the lockdown, Google analyzed six categories including grocery and pharmacy; retail and recreation; workplaces and residential areas; parks; and transit stations.

The results are as follows;

  • A 65 percent decline in retail and recreational spots as all shopping malls, restaurants, and cafes were closed.
  • Mobility trends in travel and commute (bus and train stations) decreased by 55pc, as public transport and passenger trains have been suspended during the lockdown.
  • Mobility trends for workplaces fell by 48pc as many of the companies switched to remote-working.
  • Visits to grocery shops and pharmacies decreased by 47pc.
  • However, the mobility trend in residential places increased by 19pc.


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